Sophiatown, also known as Sof’town or Kofifi, is a suburb of Johannesburg, South Africa. Sophiatown was a black cultural hub that was destroyed under apartheid, It produced some of South Africa’s most famous writers, musicians, politicians and artists.

What is the short story of Sophiatown?
Sophiatown was originally a farm outside Johannesburg, Transvaal (now Gauteng). It was bought by Hermann Tobiansky, who named it after his wife, Sophia. Subsequently, the area became a Whites only area. When a sewage dump was built next to the area, White people did not want to live there anymore, and they moved.
What happened to Sophiatown?
In 1955, however, police moved into Sophiatown and began forcing the people to relocate to nearby townships. In 1962 the last of the residents left. The homes and other buildings were torn down. The government then created a new town called Triomf (Afrikaans for “triumph”) in its place.
What is the summary of Sophiatown grade 11?
The play, ‘Sophiatown’, talks about people being forcibly removed from their homes. This is an example of the violence people of colour experienced during colonisation and Apartheid. The constant violent oppression made violence a regular part of society.
Why did the government destroy Sophiatown?
Sophiatown was one of the few areas in South Africa at the time where black people were allowed to own land. But the government used the Group Areas Act, which compelled different racial groups to live separately, to enforce its policy of segregation.